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One Foundation
What is the One Foundation?
Established in 2018, the One Foundation is the charitable foundation of the Motel One Group.
As a charitable foundation, we are committed to encouraging participation in society and fairer educational opportunities by funding external education projects and implementing our own initiatives. Our vision is for a society where young people can define their own futures through education and work.
Our mission is to lay the groundwork to enable people to determine their own futures. In so doing, the One Foundation supports SDG 4. SDG 4 refers to the Sustainable Development Goal of ensuring equitable, quality education (further information can be found here).
Why does the Foundation exist?
The major refugee movements in 2015 and 2016 prompted Motel One to launch integration projects to help refugees find their feet in Germany via mentorship programmes and intensive German courses.
This commitment was the motivation behind setting up a foundation and led to the establishment of the One Foundation in 2018.
However, the successful integration of people of all backgrounds is not the only matter close to our hearts: improving educational opportunities for young people is important to us, too. Even today, for many young people, educational opportunities depend on their parents’ income and educational background.
It is the task of politicians and society alike to provide all children and young people with equal opportunities to shape their own futures – both here in Germany and elsewhere in the world. The ability to learn, be curious and take pleasure in their own development is crucial not only for young people to enjoy a future rich in opportunities but also for the future of our world itself, because the skills we teach children and young people now will benefit us all when they reach adulthood later.
This is why the One Foundation supports socially and economically disadvantaged young people to access education and enter the world of work. Further information can be found in the following interview with Ursula Schelle-Müller, member of the Management Board of the One Foundation, and in our Foundation Report.
What target groups does the One Foundation’s funding hope to benefit?
The One Foundation is committed to social and societal equality. As a result, our funding projects primarily support socially and economically disadvantaged young people, helping to give them new prospects.
In particular, we support the integration into society of those in need of protection and offer assistance with their academic and professional training and education. The One Foundation also helps train and educate people with exceptional talents (promoting excellence).
How many projects and to what value have been funded to date?
From when the Foundation was established to the end of 2022, we provided funding totalling approximately EUR 2.02 million to support 21 projects run by 16 charitable organisations, plus one in-house project. Please see our Foundation Report for a detailed breakdown of the funds we have distributed.
Who can receive funding from the One Foundation?
In line with the principle of ‘helping people to help themselves’, we want to support organisations and projects that treat their target group with respect and involve them in the development of projects, with the aim of sustainably improving the situation for the people receiving funding. For that reason, we never work with organisations that display a fundamentally racist or neo-colonialist attitude.
The One Foundation solely supports organisations with legal capacity that
• are recognised by the Tax Office as charitable or benevolent,
• hold a valid exemption notice,
• and are authorised to issue donation receipts.
The organisations must have their registered office in Germany and their activities must align with the One Foundation’s funding guidelines.
What does the One Foundation fund, and what does it not?
The One Foundation funds projects that enable people to access high-quality education, thereby paving the way for them to shape their own lives. Within this overall objective, we are open to different approaches and target groups. Our Foundation Report provides an overview of the projects funded to date.
The key thing for us is that the projects aim to create positive change for their target group in the long term and that they can clearly demonstrate their impact.
We do not fund projects that are ineligible for funding under our statutes and funding guidelines. They include, for instance:
- sponsorship,
- individuals (outside advertised scholarships),
- purely institutional funding,
- accommodation costs,
- or financial support for running events.
- We do not currently support projects in the so-called Global South, with the exception of Malawi.
- The One Foundation does not cover project costs retrospectively, either.
Further information on our funding conditions can be found in our funding guidelines.
What does the One Foundation expect of the organisations it funds?
The fundamental values that shape the collaboration between the One Foundation and the projects we support are a sense of partnership, transparency and openness.
We seek trusting communication with a specific contact person, who should always feel able to contact us, too. We believe that everything can be solved via joint dialogue.
We assume that our project partners will use the resources given to them responsibly. No prior consultation is needed for minor tweaks that will not affect the outcome of the project. If it is likely that the project will undergo significant changes, however, we would like to be consulted. Project funding is conditional upon the willingness to provide brief project updates on demand during the term of the project (approx. once a year) and to provide a detailed report on the project’s outcome when it comes to a close.
In addition, we require images and quotes from participants to document the project’s progress and for our PR work. It goes without saying that all privacy rights will be respected and material anonymised, if required.
What makes a project ‘impactful’?
Impactful projects focus on a societal problem that they want to help solve. The activities undertaken as part of a project are designed to spark a positive, sustainable change for the target group.
How are projects selected?
Projects are selected on the basis of a funding application. We use the application to determine whether the project aligns with the One Foundation’s values and impact goals. The application form includes our evaluation sheet detailing the criteria we use to assess applications.
We decide which projects to select during a board meeting. It can happen that a project that is eligible for funding in principle is not granted any. This can be the case, for instance, if the money available has already been awarded to other projects. There is no legal entitlement to funding.
During the board meeting, the board and management make their decisions on project applications and funding allocations based on the project goals, information on the target group, impact measurement indicators and financial planning.
How does the application process work?
Before the project application is completed by the respective project partner, the checklist helps as an initial comparison to determine whether potential funding from the One Foundation is possible. The application form can be found on the homepage under Organisational matters. Project applications can be submitted annually from 1 to 31 March and from 1 to 30 September.
The project application is subsequently reviewed by the One Foundation. If the project is shortlisted, it is presented during the board meeting.
The final decision on funding is made by the board and management of the One Foundation. Subsequent to this, Katrin Lepold-Natterer will contact potential project partners or applicants by phone and in writing to confirm whether funds have been granted or not. Unfortunately, we cannot fund all the project applications we receive.
There is no legal entitlement.
Are there set application deadlines?
Project applications can be submitted from 1 to 31 March and 1 to 30 September each year. You can contact us any time to discuss whether your project idea is, in principle, eligible for funding.
How long will it be until I find out whether my project is going to receive funding?
Funding applications are normally approved or rejected within eight to ten weeks of the application deadline/board meeting.
Who decides on project applications or funding?
During the board meeting, the board and management consider the
• project goals,
• information on the target group,
• impact measurement indicators,
and financial planning to make a decision on project applications and on allocating funding.
Is it worth submitting an application?
It’s worth checking out our funding guidelines before first getting in touch. Please feel free to email a brief description of your project concept to fö to check whether your project is, in principle, eligible for funding. This will save you the effort of making a formal funding application unnecessarily.
What is the minimum and maximum amount of funding?
We do not stipulate a minimum or maximum amount of funding. However, the funding allocated to the project needs to be plausible and appropriate in relation to the project in question and its duration. An overview of the amount of funding granted to previous projects can be found in the Appendix to our Foundation Report.
How long does the One Foundation fund projects for?
Generally, the One Foundation funds projects for 12 to 24 months. We are more than happy to fund shorter projects, too.
Your application has been rejected. Is it worth submitting a fresh application in the next funding cycle?
For various reasons, we are unfortunately unable to confirm or accept all applications for funding. If your application cannot be funded, the next steps depend on the reason for the rejection. As a result, we recommend arranging a phone call with us to clarify the situation.
There is no legal entitlement to funding.