Give children and young people a future through education
The One Foundation is a non-profit foundation dedicated to equal social and societal opportunity. To that end, our funding projects primarily support young, economically and socially disadvantaged people in order to give them new perspectives.
In particular, we help those seeking protection to integrate into society, education and training at school and at work. In addition, the One Foundation also promotes training for exceptionally talented people (promoting excellence). Our foundation mission thereby lays the foundation for a self-determined life. In this way, the One Foundation supports the SDG 4.
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The Foundation's second annual report provides an update on our projects, shows how we measure the impact of our trainee-scholarship, and summarises the key events and milestones of the past year.
This time we focus on the topic of cohesion. In an interview, Dieter Müller, Chair of the One Foundation Board, and Ursula Schelle-Müller, Management Board member, explain the benefits of an open corporate culture and cohesion. Together with some of our project partners, we also asked ourselves how we can achieve cohesion within a team or in society. We present our answers in the form of a video.
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For the first time, the One Foundation is awarding scholarships to trainees in the hospitality or gastronomy sector in Germany. The scholarship consists of both monthly financial support and non-material support such as coaching, workshops and interaction with other scholarship holders.
As the foundation aims to contribute to equal opportunities, we would particularly like to encourage people with special challenges to apply.
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We aim to use our resources meaningfully – which is why impact is very dear to our hearts.
We use the term ‘impact’ when the aim is to set change in motion. If we want to have a positive influence and truly reach our target audience, we feel it’s important that we do so transparently and effectively.
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Dieter Müller
Management Board
Ursula Schelle-Müller
One FoundationKatrin Lepold-Natterer
Südliche Münchner Straße 42 b
+49 (0)89 66 50 25-28
D-82031 Grünwald